What are the STARS LOTTERY ticket prices?
- 1 ticket for $30
- 4 tickets for $75
- 10 tickets for $150
- 25 tickets for $300
- 50 tickets for $450
What are the Lucky STARS 50/50 ticket prices?
- 1 ticket for $10
- 5 tickets for $25
- 15 tickets for $50
- 30 tickets for $75
- 50 tickets for $100
What are the Million STARS Daily Cash ticket prices?
- 1 ticket for $10
- 5 tickets for $25
- 15 tickets for $50
- 30 tickets for $75
- 50 tickets for $100
What is the STARS40 Anniversary Pack?
The STARS40 Pack is a special bundle of tickets offered at a $50 discount price when purchased together. The $400 STARS 40 Pack includes:
- STARS LOTTERY: 25 tickets for $300
- Lucky STARS 50/50: 30 tickets for $50 (save $25 over regular price)
- Million STARS Daily Cash: 30 tickets for $50 (save $25 over regular price)
How can I purchase tickets?
- By phone from anywhere in Alberta – toll-free 1-855-STARS-68 (1-855-782-7768) between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m., seven days a week
- Online at starslottery.ca
- By email inquiries@starslotteryalberta.ca
- By mail (enclose your cheque or money order along with the official ticket request form) to:
PO Box 700, Station M
Calgary, AB T2P 4Y3
- In-person at the following locations:
DREAM HOMES: Saturday, Sunday & holidays, 11a.m. to 5p.m.
Calgary Dream home – 8217 8A Ave SQ
Edmonton Dream home – 3004 Milner Crescent
Lethbridge Dream home – 636 Devonia Rd W
STARS Calgary base – 1441 Aviation Park NE | 403-295-1811. Open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
STARS Edmonton base – Suite 100, 1519 – 35 Ave. E., Edmonton International Airport | 780-890-3131. Open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
STARS Grande Prairie base – 10911 123 St. | 780-830-7000 . Open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
What methods of payment can I use?
VISA/VISA Debit and MasterCard/MasterCard Debit. Direct debit is available at STARS base locations. No cash.
How long does it take to receive my ticket in the mail?
If you requested a printed ticket, please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
How long does it take to receive an e-ticket confirmation by e-mail?
Please allow 15 minutes for the email to arrive. If you do not have it by email within 24 hours, you can email inquiries@starslotteryalberta.ca. Please check your email Spam or Junk folder. If you choose an e-ticket you will not receive a printed ticket by mail.
How many total ticket packages for STARS LOTTERY are for sale?
160,000 ticket packages are available for sale.
How many total ticket packages for Lucky STARS 50/50 are for sale?
181,250 ticket packages are available for sale.
How many total ticket packages for Million STARS Daily Cash are for sale?
129,400 ticket packages are available for sale.
Can more than one name be listed on a ticket?
As per lottery rules, if a winning ticket stub contains more than one name, the prize will only be awarded to the first name on the ticket. STARS and STARS LOTTERY management will not be responsible for any conflict between group purchases.
Is there an age restriction on purchasing tickets?
Yes. Ticket purchasers must be 18 years of age or older.
If I am not a resident of Alberta can I still purchase a ticket?
Yes, however you must be physically located in Alberta at time of purchase.
Is my ticket purchase tax deductible? Do I get a tax receipt?
No tax receipt is issued, as Canada Revenue Agency does not deem the purchase of a raffle (lottery) ticket as a donation. All lottery winnings are tax-free.
Are lottery winnings taxable?
Lottery winnings are considered a windfall and are not taxable in Canada. Winners of Grand prize dream homes are responsible for the property tax from the day of possession. For details regarding the sale of Grand prize dream homes, please consult a real estate or legal professional.
Can a ticket be refunded?
Yes. However, if any ticket purchased has been entered in any draw, no refund can be issued after the draw has taken place.
Who is prohibited from purchasing tickets?
Contest rules prohibit the following people from purchasing tickets:
- STARS board members and senior executive
- Stride Management Corp. staff and their Immediate family members
What is done with my personal information?
Stride Management Corp. and STARS respect your privacy. We do not rent, sell, or trade our mailing lists. The personal information collected by STARS LOTTERY, Lucky STARS 50/50 and Million STARS Daily Cash will be used to process ticket orders, notify winners, send out lottery information, and contact you about future STARS events and programs. You may opt-out of our mailing/email lists at any time.
Where will the draws take place?
The Loyalty, Bonus & Early Bird Draws will take place at the offices of Stride Management Corp., 3950 – 12 Street NE, Calgary, AB. The Final Draws will take place at the STARS Calgary base, 1441 Aviation Park NE, Calgary AB. Any persons wishing to view any of the draws may do so at the above location on the draw date(s).
What are the ticket purchase deadlines and draw dates?
LOYALTY DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Jan. 15, 2025
LOYALTY DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Jan. 28, 2025
BONUS DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Feb. 13, 2025
BONUS DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Feb. 25, 2025
EARLY BIRD DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Mar. 6, 2025
EARLY BIRD DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Mar. 18, 2025
FINAL DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Mar. 27, 2025
FINAL DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Mar. 31, 2025
FINAL DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Mar. 27, 2025
FINAL DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Mar. 31, 2025
LOYALTY DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Jan. 15, 2025
LOYALTY DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Jan. 28, 2025
BONUS DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Feb. 13, 2025
BONUS DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Feb. 25, 2025
EARLY BIRD DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Mar. 6, 2025
EARLY BIRD DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Mar. 18, 2025
FINAL DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. Mar. 27, 2025
FINAL DRAW: 10:00 a.m. Mar. 31, 2025
How many prizes can be won in STARS LOTTERY?
4,000 total prizes will be awarded.
What is the total retail value of the prizes in STARS LOTTERY?
How are prize values determined?
Prize values shown are approximate retail values as of the date contracts were negotiated with suppliers. Due to housing market fluctuations, the market value of the real estate prizes may rise or diminish over time. STARS LOTTERY winners are not entitled to the difference, if any, between the stated and actual market value at the time the prize is awarded. Prize values include all applicable taxes
What are the STARS LOTTERY Grand prizes?
There are three Grand prize dream homes:
- 1 furnished home in Calgary valued at $1,500,000
- 1 furnished home in Edmonton valued at $1,079,400
- 1 furnished home in Lethbridge valued at $989,900
What are the STARS LOTTERY Loyalty prizes?
There are 41 Loyalty prizes:
There are 41 Loyalty prizes:
- One prize of a $80,000 Bon Voyage Travel Credit or $60,000 cash
- Forty prizes of one STARS40 PACK lottery ticket package, a $400 value (25 STARS LOTTERY, 30 Lucky STARS 50/50 and 30, Million STARS Daily Cash tickets)
What is the STARS LOTTERY Bonus prize?
Joy Ride 2025 Porsche 911 Targa GTS OR $225,000 cash
What is the STARS LOTTERY Early Bird prize?
Sky’s the Limit $500,000 cash prize.
What are the other STARS LOTTERY prizes?
The remainder of the prizes comprise:
- 4 thrilling vehicles
- 4 grand vacations
- 6 adventure prizes
- 280 jewelry prizes
- 40 luggage prizes
- 2,520 outdoor prizes
- 990 home prizes
- 110 electronic prizes
What is the Lucky STARS 50/50 prize?
The cash value of the Lucky STARS 50/50 is 50% of total ticket sales with a maximum total sales of $8.0 million.
What are the Million STARS Daily Cash prizes?
There are 40 cash prizes of $25,000 each.
- All tickets purchased by the Loyalty Deadline (11:59 p.m., Jan. 15, 2025) qualify for prizes #1 to #40.
- All tickets purchased by the Bonus Deadline (11:59 p.m., Feb. 13, 2025) qualify for prizes #3 to #40
- All tickets must be purchased by the Early Bird Deadline (11:59 p.m., Mar. 6, 2025) qualify for prizes #5 to #40.
- All tickets tickets must be purchased by the Final Deadline (11:59 p.m., Mar. 27,2025) qualify for prizes #7 to #40
All winners will be posted on the STARS website on the day their name has been drawn. Winners will also be contacted by STARS personnel to confirm their win once posted.
Do I have to purchase a ticket for STARS LOTTERY to purchase a ticket for the Lucky STARS 50/50 lottery or Million STARS Daily Cash lottery?
No, you can buy Lucky STARS 50/50 tickets or Million STARS Daily Cash tickets without purchasing a ticket for the STARS LOTTERY lottery.
Does STARS LOTTERY, Lucky STARS 50/50 or Million STARS Daily Cash contact prize winners to request payment of any kind to cover taxes, shipping, etc.?
No, you are not required to pay for shipping or any other fee to claim a prize. If you do receive a call and are asked for payment, please do the following:
- Hang up and document as much information as possible regarding the call.
- Call the Government of Canada Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501 to report the fraud attempt.
How and when will the winners’ names be available?
A full list of STARS LOTTERY, Million STARS Daily Cash and Lucky STARS 50/50 winners will be posted on the STARS LOTTERY website (starslottery.ca) within five days after each applicable draw.
Two Million STARS Daily Cash winners will be posted within five days of each of the Loyalty, Bonus and Early Bird draws, and the remaining 34 winners will be posted daily from April 1 to May 4.
How will winners be notified?
A STARS representative will attempt to contact all major prize winners by phone. All winners will be notified in writing by mail. If a winner cannot be notified after a period of six months from the draw date, their prize will be donated to a charitable beneficiary approved by Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis.
Are ticket purchasers eligible for all STARS LOTTERY prizes?
STARS LOTTERY Ticket purchasers are eligible for all 4,000 prizes for STARS LOTTERY, provided their purchase was completed before the applicable draw deadline.
Are ticket purchasers eligible for all Million STARS Daily Cash Lottery prizes?
Million STARS Daily Cash Ticket purchasers are eligible for all 40 prizes for the Million STARS Daily Cash lottery provided their purchase was completed before the applicable draw deadline.
How are the draws conducted?
The lottery draws will be conducted using an RNG (Random Number Generator) system. The winning lottery draw ticket numbers shall be determined from the pool of sold lottery ticket numbers.
Do prizes have to be accepted “as is”?
Prizes must be accepted as awarded. There will be no cash or “in lieu of” option except where advertised. Other prize restrictions may apply regarding dates of use. Please contact STARS LOTTERY at 403-508-7313 with any prize redemption questions.
What is the STARS LOTTERY licence number?
AGLC Licence #712760
What is the Lucky STARS 50/50 lottery licence number?
AGLC Licence #712762
What is the Million STARS Daily Cash lottery licence number?
AGLC Licence #712763
What hours are the Grand prize dream homes open?
All dream homes are open for viewing from Jan. 18 to Mar. 23, 2025:
Saturday, Sunday & holidays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Calgary home 8217 8A Ave SW
Edmonton home 3004 Milner Crescent
Lethbridge home 636 Devonia Rd W
Who is the STARS LOTTERY project manager?
Stride Management Corp., 3950 – 12 Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8H9, 403-508-7313
Brenda Delaney, Project Coordinator: Email: inquiries@starslotteryalberta.ca
Who provides operational support for STARS LOTTERY?
Stride Management Corp., 3950 – 12 Street NE, Calgary, AB T2E 8H9 is responsible for the processing of all ticket requests, issuing and mailing of tickets to ticket purchasers, supervising the draws, and notifying all winners in writing. They also manage the call centre at the address above.
How many years has STARS Lottery been operating?
2025 marks the 32nd year of STARS’ annual lottery and 40 years of STARS providing critical care to tens of thousands of patients across Alberta.
How will the proceeds from STARS Lottery be used?
Proceeds from STARS LOTTERY assist STARS directly with the daily operating costs of providing critical care to patients in need from its three bases in Alberta: Calgary, Edmonton and Grande Prairie. It costs approximately $11 million annually to operate each base.
If I want to donate to STARS or have questions about STARS, where can I get more information?
- Call:
STARS Calgary base: 403-295-1811
STARS Edmonton base: 780-890-3131
STARS Grande Prairie base: 780-830-7000
- Mail: STARS Head Office, 1441 Aviation Park NE, Box 570, Calgary, AB T2E 8M7
- Email: info@stars.ca
Where can I get more information about STARS’ calendar campaign?
Phone: 403-216-1040 or 1-877-778-8288
Mail: STARS Head Office, 1441 Aviation Park NE, Box 570, Calgary AB T2E 8M7
Email: calendar@stars.ca
Where can I get more information about STARS’ direct mail program?
Phone: 1-855-516-4848
Mail: STARS Donations, 1441 Aviation Park NE, Box 570, Calgary, AB T2E 8M7
Email: donations@stars.ca
Who should be contacted for further information about STARS LOTTERY?
For further information, contact Brenda Delaney, Stride Management Corp.:
Calgary & area: 403-508-7313
Outside Calgary: 1-855-782-7768